Sunday, 7 June 2015

CS506- Web Design and Development Assignment No. 02 Spring 2015 Due Date:08/06/15

Assignment No. 02
Spring 2015
CS506- Web Design and Development
Total Marks: 25
Due Date:08/06/15
Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
  • The assignment is fully or partially copied from (other student or ditto copy from handouts or internet).
  • Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment File or name of file is other than student ID.
Uploading instructions

You are required to submit your solution in Power Point File (.ppt or .pptx) with audio narration. Assignment submitted in any other format will get zero marks. Assignment sent through email will not be accepted in any case.
Note:Use JDK for compiling/running of java program(A video tutorial of installation and configuration of JDK is given in course download section).
Visit the following link for installing and configuring of JDK.
Tutorial for installing JDK for windows 7 Tutorial for installing JDK for Windows XP

Guidelines for installing JDK
Following is link for downloading JDK 7 Objective

The objective of this assignment is
  • Understanding the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
  • Compiling/running of java program

Problem Statement:
You are required to write a java program which display Student information from a database. For that, you will require to perform three steps.
Step 1: firstly perform the following steps for creation of database and table in MS Access.
  • Create adatabase in MS Access with any name
  • Create a table named as “StudentInfo”, having three fields (VUID, Studentname, Coursename).
  • Insert one row in table StudentInfo i.e. containing your own VUID, your name and course name.
( procedure to create a database in MS Access is given in handouts)
Following is screen shot of sample MS Access Database

You have to create the table and insert one record in table Studentinfo contains your own VUID, name and course code as explained in above screen shot.
Step 2: write a java program in notepadthat will perform Java Data base Connectivity with MS Access database, (show all database connectivity steps).
(A tutorial to create a DSN connection is given in course download section)
Tutorial for creating DSN for windows 7
Step3: Compile and run the program in JDK (on command prompt) and display Student Information from database on command prompt
Note: You arerequired to compile/run the java program in JDK.Don’t use NetBeans, Eclipse or any other IDE for creating Assignment No. 2 .
You can download the JDK 7 from the following link.
Sample Output:

Insert the one record in table Studentinfo, contains your VUID, name and course code. Compile and run your program as described above Submission:

You are required to submit your solution as a presentation inPowerPoint File(.ppt or .pptx) with audio narrationthrough LMS.Assignment submitted in any other format will get zero marks.
Prepare presentation slides in following way.
  1. In first slide give a brief introduction of your program and show a snapshot of MS Access database table “Student Info” and very briefly describe it.
  2. In second slide show your solution(java code) and record audio narration which will explain all database connectivity steps. You need to give very brief explanation for each line of code. While recording audio narration, don’t forget to speak your name and VU-ID in the beginning.
  3. Take screen shot of compiling/running ofyour java program in command prompt and paste that screen shot in third slide. In this slide you have to explain the procedure of compiling and running of your program with audio narration.
Steps for Recording the Presentation
Recording of Presentation (PowerPoint 2010/13)
  1. Record a narration before or during a slide show.
  2. When you record a narration, you run through the presentation and record each slide. You can pause and resume recording any time.
  3. Ensure your microphone is set up and working properly prior to recording your slide show.
  4. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click Record Slide Show .
  5. Select one of the following:
    • Start Recording from Beginning
    • Start Recording from Current Slide
  6. In the Record Slide Show dialog box, select the Narrations and laser pointer check box, and if appropriate, select or deselect the Slide and animation timings check box.
  7. Click Start Recording.
  8. To end your slide show recording, right click the slide, and then click End Show.
  9. The recorded slide show timings are automatically saved and the slide show appears in Slide Sorter view with timings beneath each slide.
  10. A sound icon appears on the slide.
Preview the Recorded Presentation
  1. In Normal view, on the slide, click the sound icon .
    1. OR
  2. On the ribbon, under Audio Tools, on the Playback tab, in the Preview group, click Play.

To record a sound for a PowerPoint 2003/2007 presentation, you can follow the steps below:
  1. Open the PowerPoint presentation you are going to record a sound in, and go to Insert -> Movies and Sounds -> Record Sound
  2. In the Record Sound dialog, Name field, enter a name for the recording.
  3. Next, at the bottom of the dialog, click the red dot (the Record button) to start recording a sound.
  4. When finished, click the blue square (the Stop button) on the left of the Record button.
  5. To test the recorded sound, click the blue triangle (the Play button).
  6. Record another sound if the existing one is not satisfying. To confirm the recorded sound, click OK. The sound icon is displayed on the current slide.
Deadline: Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before.08/06/15. No assignment would be accepted through email. For any query about the assignment, contact
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