Assignment No. 02
[COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]Semester[/COLOR]: Spring 2015
[COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]Semester[/COLOR]: Spring 2015
CS201: Introduction to Programming
Total Marks: 20Due Date: 12/06/2015
Lectures Covered: 7 to 16
[COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]Please read[/COLOR] the following instructions [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]carefully[/COLOR] before submitting assignment.
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
- The assignment is submitted after due date.
- The submitted assignment does not open or [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]file[/COLOR] is corrupt.
- Assignment is copied(partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc)
- [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]Assignment solution[/COLOR] is not in .cpp [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]file format[/COLOR].
The objective of this assignment is to provide an on hand experience of:
- Learn to code, edit, compile and execute C++ program.
- Learn to use two dimensional array declaration and manipulation.
- Learn to [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]manipulate[/COLOR] array with the help of pointer
- Learn to create user defined functions
- Code should properly be indented and well commented.
- Follow C/C++ [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]naming[/COLOR] conventions while using variables, functions etc.
- Use only Dev-C++ for this assignment. If you are using any other tool then mention the name of tool and version on top of your code file as comments.
Assignment Description
This assignment is divided into two parts. In first part, you will be provided with sample startup code (attached with this assignment in folder Startup Code) that will populate 2D array with random numbers from 1 to 100 and display on console. Given code also finds the element with maximum and minimum values in array. Output of sample code is given below as Figure 1. We will help you to understand and practice the given code through Adobe[COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]Connect[/COLOR] lab sessions. For details of lab sessions see announcement of Adobe Connect Lab Sessions.
The displayMaxMinElement( ) function in startup code that is finding maximum and minimum element will help you get the desire output. To get the desired output, you should find the sum of each row and [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]compare[/COLOR] with sum of other rows to find which row’s sum is maximum. The same procedure can be used to find row which have minimum sum as compare with other rows in 2D array.
Figure 1: Sample output of the Startup code
Your Task In this part of assignment, you have to modify given startup code and find the row from 2D array whose sum is maximum as compared with sum of other rows. You also have to find the row whose sum is minimum as compared with other rows. Screen shot of the desire output is given in Figure 2. |
Figure 2: Sample Desired output
You are required to [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]submit your[/COLOR] code through LMS in .cpp file format.
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